Billy had been jumpier since their last encounter, overall more sketchy and neurotic it appeared to Brahms. It perplexed him greatly because before this, he was all over the taller man, mouth running a mile a minute with suggestive obscenities slipping effortlessly from his lips.
Now, Brahms rarely saw him and he seemed more antsy when he did run into him. A feeling like he might have done something wrong planted itself deep in the back of his mind, slowly germinating with each encounter that had similar results. He began noting, however, that the man kept anxiously checking outside, waiting for something. This pattern continued for much longer than he would be comfortable to admit noticing, up until a delivery arrived and Billy was quick to snatch the package that was brought to them.
This immediately piqued Brahms's interest, what could be in this box that made Billy so keen on anticipating its arrival along with being so sneaky about it. He opted to hide within the crawlspace, following the sounds of Billy's footsteps as he quickly retreated to his room with his spoils. He peered from a small crack in the wall that he made to watch his housemate when he forced himself into his life, catching a peek of the man quickly stashing the contents of the package into a drawer.
Now this was interesting.
The voyeur waited for the other man to leave the room before he snuck his way into it through one of his many secret exits. He quickly checked around, making sure that Billy was nowhere near close by, before he dove into rummaging around the drawer of secrets. He took mental notes of what filled the drawer, mostly socks of all kinds, before he landed upon what he was searching for. He felt his face flush a deep crimson, hot skin, an odd sensation against the cool porcelain of his mask.
He stared at the surprises before carefully picking them out from the drawer, eyeing them under heavy scrutiny as his stomach tied itself into excited knots. Billy had ordered himself a strap-on harness, a quite elegant one at that, along with a dildo to accompany it as well. He turned the harness in his hand, running rough fingertips along the velvet lining.
An image of Billy wearing the crimson leather harness on his hips conjured itself in Brahms's mind, complete with the man's trademark obscene commentary and affectionate degradation as he talked about the things he was thrilled to do to him. Okay, now his face was on fire and he could feel his pants tighten significantly as the fantasy played out. His eyes darted to the accompanying purple probe, soaking in the visual of Billy fastening it into place in the harness while rambling to Brahms about what he played to do to him with it.
He felt like he was going to pass out at this rate with all the blood rushing to his dick.
"Having fun snooping through my shit?" a familiar voice chimed, starling Brahms back into reality. He quickly turned to face Billy as he leaned against the doorway, a devious smirk plastered to his face. "Woah! You look absolutely thrilled to see me!" the man cackled, immediately taking notice of how hard he was, "So I see you found my little surprise. It's a fun looking toy, isn't it? I can tell from here that you're excited to take it out for a spin."
Brahms tried to say something but only whimpered in response, immediately horribly embarrassed by the sound. He grumbled as he tried to hide his first reaction, "Do you ever shut up?" "Aw, how cute, you think I didn't catch your pathetic little whine," Billy purred as he sauntered close, running a hand along the taller man's throat, "Hope you remember my little promise, because I intend to keep my word, if you're up to it. I made sure to get myself a cock that you would absolutely drool and cream yourself over too!" Brahms simply rolled his eyes, clearing his throat as he regained his composure before gesturing vaguely to his walls, "Let's do it in there."
Billy quirked a brow in confusion before the other groaned, trousers growing more uncomfortable by the second. He gathered the harness and dildo before yanking Billy into the walls, knocking the shorter man off balance. "Ohh," Billy chuckled as he stood back up straight, "You're absolutely dying to get fucked right now, you're really a needy little slut."
Then it suddenly hit him, he was in his safe haven. Brahms had just pulled him into his domain and this simple concept excited the man to no end, so he took the rare opportunity to glance around and drink up his surroundings. His gaze lingered on the egg cartons that lined the walls, a lascivious smirk twisting his features as his mind ran wild with ideas behind the need for soundproofing. He knew logically that it was to muffle the sound of Brahms's footsteps as he stalked around the mansion within the walls, but he immediately pictured more tasteless reasons.
"Nasty nasty Brahms," his voice was dripping with a sudden darkness, twisted into a more sinister tone that the other did not hear as often anymore. He ran a spindly finger down the front of his throat, stopping at his adam's apple with a purr, "You're so fucking loud and needy, you have to soundproof these walls just so people can't hear you moaning like a fucking whore, begging to get fucked, huh?" He suddenly wrapped both hands around the man's throat in one quick motion that startled the taller man, not applying any pressure, at least not yet. "I can't wait to pull those sounds outta you," he cooed, beginning to nip along the small traces of exposed jawline that he could reach.
He slowly removed his hands from Brahms's throat, face falling blank while he maintained eye contact, an almost primal look in his eyes. After a beat, he quickly knocked Brahms back down onto the bed, a wicked grin tearing across his face.
"I'm so glad you're this hopelessly pathetic horny mess, makes getting a hold of lube so much easier," Billy commented casually as he quickly began to undress the man below him as well as himself, being sure to toss his binder aside in a location he could recall it being later. "If you didn't feel the need to jack off all the time, I'd really have to spend more money getting lube myself," he hummed while securing the harness across his hips, fastening the dildo in place in the process. "Oh! Bet you didn't notice this feature," he excitedly proclaimed, staring Brahms in the eye as he turned on the probe for a split second.
Holy shit. It vibrated.
He almost cackled as he witnessed the tent in Brahms's boxers seemingly grow larger in response. "Somebody's excited," he teased, voice sing-songy as he pulled the waistband of his boxers down and freed the man's straining cock. "Please just shut up and get to fucking me already," Brahms grumbled and looked away from him, ashamed of the words as they tumbled from his mouth.
"You're so cute when you're embarrassed, you know that? But yeah, I'm itching to get to it as much as you are, but first," he reached over and slowly removed the porcelain mask, exposing the burn scar that ravaged the man's face, "There, now I can kiss you and see your face as I fuck you absolutely senseless." The smug grin that graced Billy's face made Brahms's heart skip a beat for a second as it filled him with an odd sense of fondness, despite the crude way of describing it, the gesture was oddly sweet.
He froze slightly as Billy grabbed his thighs and spread his legs apart, humming as he uncapped the bottle of lube he found and slathered two of his fingers with the substance. He pressed them against the man's entrance, cooing softly and nipping along his shoulder as he pushed them in. He harshly bit down on the base of his neck, ripping a moan out from Brahms and effectively distracting him as he pushed past the ring of muscle all the way to the knuckle. He hesitated before he started to scissor his fingers, stretching the man out and running his tongue across the expanses of flesh as he did so. "You're so fucking hot," he growled, curling his fingers and humming in delight as a loud, shaky moan was ripped from Brahms's throat.
Brahms slowly blinked his eyes open again, unaware that he even closed them at all, as Billy removed his fingers and he felt empty. "As much fun as it would be to watch you fall apart from my fingers alone, I really want to see you lose your mind on my fun little friend here," he snickered, gesturing to the strap-on that rested on his pelvis. "Please," Brahms almost downright was begging at this point, craving more of the sensation, just craving more . "Well, if you insist," Billy hummed, kissing the man deeply as he lined the dildo up against his hole, grabbing a hold of Brahms's hips before excitedly thrusting forward into him.
He moaned shakily into his mouth, hand shooting upwards to grab his shaggy hair for stability. He rested in place as Brahms's legs tightened around his waist, pulling him closer. "More," he quickly demanded, parting from Billy's kiss just to make his demand. "Ah, ah, ah! What do we say?" Billy was quick to tease, having learned just the right ways to push his buttons, and started to dig his nails into the other man's flesh. His breath hitched sharply before his simple plea softly stumbled from his lips, "Please." "Please, what? Use your words," Billy cooed, rubbing it in as he leaned down and nipped down Brahms's neck, sucking at the juncture. "Jesus, Billy, do I have to be crude?" he whined softly, rolling his hips down before he was stopped by Billy grabbing his hips and forcing them still. "Absolutely, I want to hear it come out of your mouth in your sexy ass voice," he said, staring him in the eyes.
Brahms rolled his eyes, a deep crimson tinting his cheeks as he spoke softly, embarrassed to say the words, "Please fuck me, I need it." "There we go," Billy cooed, pulling his hips back far enough to where the dildo nearly slipped out from Brahms before roughly slamming back into him. He shuddered and gripped onto the shorter man, groaning shakily as Billy repeated this action, getting increasingly faster with it.
Soon enough, he got bored with a repetitive rhythm and started moving more erratically, varying the angles of his thrusts and grinding against the ribbed base of the probe. He moaned himself at the friction, reaching down with his free hand and turned on the vibration. This immediately pulled more moans out from the man beneath him, who rolled his hips up in a weak attempt to meet Billy's frenzied thrusts.
Even in a rhythmic activity, Billy could be unpredictable.
Brahms felt his cock twitch a bit in excitement when he felt the weight of when Billy grinded against the harness while fully engulfed in him. Soon enough, Billy began hammering insistently at the spot that made him nearly scream in delight. The sound clearly delighted the man because he began to nearly abuse his prostate from his aggressive, excitedly thrusting all while biting down harshly along his neck and shoulder. Anytime he broke skin, he would immediately lap up the blood that began to well up from the wound like a starving animal.
Brahms could feel himself growing closer to his climax. Based on how Billy seemed especially fixated on nailing his sweet spot and grinding insistently at the harness, he seemed to be as well. "Think I'm close," he mumbled near his ear with an array of shaky breaths and moans, wrapping both arms around Billy. "Fuck, me too. Super excited to make you come," Billy began rambling as he somehow picked up the pace even more so, raking his nails along Brahms's ribs and sides while littering him in bite marks, "Come for me, Brahms."
That really was the tipping point for him, because with that, Brahms felt himself fall over the edge and groaned right into Billy's shoulder as he spilled onto both of their stomachs. Billy felt his whole body tremble and held tightly onto Brahms, ragged breathing as he came himself.
He slowly pulled back and out of Brahms, loosening the harness and slipping out from it with a chuckle while shutting off the vibrator. "Well, that was fun," he commented, flopping down beside him, "I really am a man of my word."
He was quickly silenced by Brahms kissing him softly, holding gently onto his hip and pulling him closer. He closed his eyes and smiled before returning the sweet kiss, humming. "Goodnight kiss," Brahms murmured softly and buried his scratchy face into Billy's bare shoulder, holding him close as he slowly was lulled to sleep by the sound of his quickened heartbeat. He was caught off guard by the genuine affection, still not used to how oddly sweet Brahms could be. However slowly, Billy drifted off to sleep as well, smiling gently to himself as he curled up against him and holding tightly onto his side.