Full disclosure, I won't be archiving all of the work that I've ever written. Some old fanfictions of mine lurk the depths of the internet and I'd prefer to not pay those old fics much mind. Regarding older fics that are archived here, I am either still pleased with it in some regard or it's otherwise instrumental in my development as a writer. I suppose you could say that Winslow lost media exists.
original prose
tba -- short description
dream of better lives -- originally written 5/13/24. rated x for sexual content. -- after travelling together in search of the remnants of the lost brotherhood, ramon has found himself utterly enamoured with bullfrog. (captain laserhawk: a blood dragon remix)
sex magick (ave satanas) -- not posted to archive of our own, but originally written 1/10/24. rated x for sexual content. -- illidan experiences some pent-up frustration, khadgar is eager to aid him. (world of warcraft)
crusing along -- originally posted to archive of our own on 2/17/24. rated x for sexual content. -- the postal dude goes cruising in a local dingy dive bar, a stranger takes him up on the offer. (postal)
false sense of immunity -- an ongoing strongstar fic and strong bad character study. originally posted to archive of our own on 9/1/22 and last updated on 12/10/22. currently 6 chapters, rated pg-13. -- as a surprise to no one at all, strong bad's ultra tough guy appearance is nothing more than a front. (homestar runner)
sweet touch -- originally posted to archive of our own on 5/12/22. rated r for drug use. -- charlie and pim share a tender moment while charlie is smoking. (smiling friends)
love me hard (till i break inside) -- originally posted to archive of our own on 1/24/22. sequel to "probably still adore you (with your hands around my neck)". rated x for sexual content. -- billy keeps his word on a promise of sort he made to brahms. (black christmas 1974 // the boy 2016)
tell me it's okay -- originally posted to archive of our own on 11/1/21. rated pg-13 for crude language. -- jeff has trouble sleeping and has a conversation with jack about it. (creepypasta)
dawn -- originally posted to archive of our own on 7/13/21. rated pg-13. -- drake is overwhelmed with a sense of dread and flocks to the first sense of comfort he can think of. (ducktales 2017)
scribbles -- originally posted to archive of our own on 10/3/2020. rated pg-13. -- mista doodles on one of Narancia's binders. (jojo's bizarre adventure)
probably still adore you (with your hands around my neck) -- originally posted to archive of our own on 2/28/2020. rated x for sexual content. -- billy has an assumption and makes a comment to Brahms. (black christmas 1974 // the boy 2016)
frostbite -- originally posted to archive of our own on 5/13/2019. rated r for violence. winter can be a harsh mistress, even for the most hardy of individuals. (moomins)
animal -- originally posted to archive of our own on 8/3/2018. was written for the 2018 welcome to hell big bang. rated r for drug use and mild gore. -- manifestation is a process every monster has to go through; it's painful, emotionally and physically exhausting, and drastically changes their body more so than human puberty does. sock is one of the unfortunate bunch who has started his later than normal and has to deal with literal monster puberty along with other issues that arise from developing feelings for a stoic gargoyle. (welcome to hell)
serendipity -- an abandoned connor/evan multichapter fic. arguably a spiritual predecessor to "false sense of immunity" as a lot of similar themes are explored. originally posted to archive of our own on 6/18/2017 and last updated on 1/16/2018. rated pg-13. -- "ser·en·dip·i·ty ˌserənˈdipədē/ noun. the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way." instead of killing himself, connor murphy instead chooses to run away from home. (dear evan hansen)